SCAT’s model was tested these last two weeks. Soon after the president declared the state of disaster SCAT was thinking about how to assist grantees to respond to the disaster and prepare their communities for what was coming. The lockdown came quickly and SCAT responded by releasing a special grant to all grantees to help them mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown that was a mere 3 days away.
Local Development Agencies (LDAs) – what SCAT calls it’s grantees – are again showing that they are very good at responding rapidly to a crisis. To inform their communities, to identify the people who need help and to get them the help they need.
STEP-Up, A youth bank initiative, identified elderly and injured people and assisted them with hygiene products and food hampers.
UBUNTU Rural Women and Youth Movement got water to informal communities, ran an awareness sessions on Covid-19 and handed out breakfast hampers to children. They also secured food hampers from other sources to distribute to their local community.
SARON Advice Office: The printed an Afrikaans leaflet about the virus, identified vulnerable people, and supported them with food hampers.
FLAGSTAFF Community Advice Centre made their own hand sanitiser, distributed it to those in need and educated community members about COVID-19 and the lockdown.
KGATELOPELE Social Development Forum, WITZENBERG Advice Centre, ADELAIDE, QUNU and BEAUFORT WEST Advice Offices educated community members on hygiene habits and handed out food hampers.
Yes it is still good because you are able to know your area of work and easy to identify areas with challenges