Zanoncedo Empowerment Centre

LED BY: Mandisa Dukashe

MAIN CHALLENGES FACED BY THE COMMUNITY: high alcohol and drug abuse, theft, teenage pregnancy, neglected/abused children, unemployed youth, chronic disease treatment default and poverty.

MAIN ACTIVITIES: home-based care; after care; youth homework and computer skills assistance; food gardening and YouthBank. 

The Zanoncedo Empowerment Centre is 39.8km from East London in the Mpongo location, Tsholomnqa just off the R72. The organisation currently provides HIV and other chronic diseases awareness and home-based care programmes, food gardening projects, after school programmes, bead work, youth sexual reproductive health and life skills projects, gender-based violence sensitisation workshops and a Youth Bank programme. Zanoncedo started with only five volunteers in 2012 who selflessly dedicated their time, walking long distances to serve the community. In 2014 the numbers of volunteers grew to twenty-five and the first funding was received from SCAT in 2015 for administration which opened more doors. Teen pregnancies have been reduced as the number of young people accessing family planning and condoms increased. Zanoncedo’s home based care and health campaigns also led to a decline in treatment default rates.


ADDRESS: Mpongo Location, Mazizini District

CONTACT: Cell: 081 898 9878 Email: