CARE Alicedale
LED BY: Pumla Gojela
MAIN CHALLENGES FACED BY THE COMMUNITY: unemployment, poverty, school dropouts, domestic abuse, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse.
MAIN ACTIVITIES: Counselling of GBV survivors, advocacy for gender equality, beadwork, Youth Bank, communal food gardens.
CARE Alicedale is a thriving local development agency which supports abused women and children through their victim empowerment programme. In addition, CARE runs a weekly feeding scheme using produce from their gardening and poultry project. The food security programme provides income for a dozen locals who grow the vegetables
in their own gardens. CARE’s crèche for up to 50 children is a hive of activity. The homebased care programme, which provides care for community members with HIV/Aids also provides income for these carers.
The LDA approached the internationally renowned luxury Shamwari Game Reserve, which is 37km away from Alicedale to fund some of their community projects. This has led to the game reserve bringing students and other international tourists to visit the project and offer support.
ADDRESS: 10 Nkula Street, KwaNonzwakikazi Location, Alicedale CONTACT: Cell: 073 280 5599 Email: