Partnering with rural organisations for 35 years
About US
SCAT is a veteran human rights and social justice, philanthropy (re-granting) organisation which has been in existence for 35 years. It has pioneered and developed a model of development that has been acknowledged as both empowering and sustainable with tangible impact at the local level. Over the past five years around R50 million was raised and 175 organisations received grants and support. SCAT was founded during the early 1980’s by three trustees who believed there was a need to provide grants to organisations to promote community-based control which was seen as a critical component of transformative development and the creation of a strong civil society and good governance. This role is as relevant today as it was more than thirty years ago.
Our mission is to empower communities, strengthen civil society, and promote social change in partnership with local development agencies which act as community-driven responses to social justice.
SCAT provides 3 types of grants: Core grant, FRIS – Fundraising Incentive Scheme & DFT – Development Fund for Training.
Field Support
The SCAT Programmes Team provides on site field support to grantees. Field support includes monitoring, mentoring and coaching for the staff and committee of the Local Development Agencies.
Capacity Building
The Capacity Building programme is informed by the needs of grantees and the sector which SCAT’s support. Gender Based Violence Response, Financial Management & Governance Training are some of the current capacity building activities.